Thursday, 6 November 2014

Sambutan Awal Tahun Hijrah

Assalamu'alaikum everyone!

Back with news/story of our Sambutan Awal Tahun Hijrah. Finally able to set aside time to post this :(

Our sambutan was held at Hull Road on Friday, 24th October. The majlis started with bacaan doa, followed by sembahyang Maghrib berjemaah. Then bacaan Surah Yaasin and then sembahyang isya' berjemaah. Of course after all that, it's dinner time. Woot woot!

Apologies! The secretary did not take pictures of the Bruneians during the bacaan doa or when they were reading Surah Yaasin. But during that time, look at the two right feet owned by two committee members. Guess who? XD

The Bruneians guys in York. Macam tangga kamu ah (You guys are like stairs). HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Missing Jason in the picture :(

The guys of Brunei York Society! All five are here now :)

Awww! them cuties :3

Patriotic President XD

Group photo! Missing our religious officer though! :( But thanks to her, we were able to do a group photo! so thank you! :D

LOVE this picture! You three chemists are funny XD I shall anticipate more of these sort of pictures XD

:) In action

Esehmen! Our religious officer looking fine XD

Ninja >:)

Everyone wanted to play games. Guess you guys enjoyed the games during Hari Raya Haji :D. So here are pictures of us playing a game of chinese whispers :)

Here we played a modified chinese whispers; it's a drawing relay where the person at the very end had to guess what the drawing is. It's funny to watch all the changes that took place! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD

After the games were over, it's back to the usual social :)

The last picture for the day :)

Yay! Thankfully this time I can fit a lot of pictures all at once. Although personally I don't mind making a part two. LOL. Guess that's it. Sorry, there were no pictures of food. We had profiteroles. Yum! And Insya Allah, for the next event, which is Brunei Night/Game Night, I'll try to post on the blog as soon as I can. :)


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