Sunday, 17 August 2014

More Pictures!!

As mentioned in the previous post, i shall post more photos! Yehet!

You'll find this somewhere in 'the quiet place'. Apart from summer term, it is as its name suggest; quiet. HAHAHAHA! a beautiful place. i recommend taking a walk there once in a while :D

This was taken  near 'the quiet place' not sure if this part of the university is also called 'the quiet place'. beautiful isn't it? T.T

You can see this on your way to 'the quiet place'. It looks so peaceful :)

This was taken in right in front of wentworth college near wentworth way. If you can see, there is a little road for bicycles. Very nice, right? Inda ja?

For now that's all, although the pictures does not contain any university buildings, and so far the pictures has trees in them, it doesn't mean that our university is in the middle of a (beautiful) forest, it just shows that our quite modern university can mix landscape well with the buildings. Truthfully, the secretary prefers taking photos of trees and animals so we are lacking photos of university buildings, HAHAHAHAHA! But I hope you guys enjoy the pictures! More pictures to be anticipated in the next post. Later!


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