Sunday, 31 August 2014

Brunei Darussalam

Assalamu'alaikum semua!

Hope everyone is doing fine. :) Don't know what else there is to post, so decided to post something about our beloved country, Brunei! First of all, to those who don't know how to pronounce Brunei, it's pronounced as "bru-nai". During my time in York, I hear a lot of people pronouncing it as how it's spelled. Totally understandable though given the spelling. HAHAHAHAHA! XD

Another "fun-fact", if I may call it so, is that our official language was declared to be Malay Language. Not many people know of its existence. If you are curious what Malay sound like, I was told that Malay sounds like Filipino. Although personally I think our rhythms are different, but I do agree that Malay and Filipino share a lot of vocabulary. Most probably because they were originally Malay before the Spanish rule. But that's just my speculation. :)

Despite Malay being our official language, we also have what people unofficially call it, 'Brunei slang'. Brunei slang differs slightly from the standard language (Malay), although Brunei vocabulary is very different from the standard language. *slang and vocabulary is different* Then there's also the ever-growing amount of catchphrases that we Bruneian youngsters always come up with.

An example of a catchphrase popular in Brunei is "Mas me ah!" or "Mas ku ah!". These two mean the same thing. We Bruneians like to deliberately use incorrect English grammar, mostly when we are joking or reacting to something sarcastically. So the 'me' in "Mas me ah!" means 'me' in English and is pronounced as it is in English. There rest of the words are pronounced as it's spelled. 'Ku' in "Mas ku ah" means 'me' in Malay.  'Mas' is actually short for 'malas' which means 'lazy'. So, in other words, the sentence actually means "I am lazy". But considering the emotion put into saying the catchphrase, a more correct meaning would be "I'm too lazy for this!". You can use this catchphrase when you don't want to do something or when your friend cracks a joke and it wasn't funny but most of the time, people use it as a reaction to something ridiculously funny, so despite having sort of what I personally think is a 'rude' meaning when translated to English, it isn't. The catchphrase naturally becomes a reaction to something funny for Bruneians. :)

So there you go! Congratulations dear readers from other countries! You have learned something new! Yehet! That's it for today. Have a nice day!


Friday, 29 August 2014

Behind the scenes

Assalamu'alaikum semua!

There's nothing to 'report' but here's a little something to feed your curiosity of how the members of the committee looks like. Tehee!

This picture was taken during committee meeting in Cheezbox. That day, 3 out of 5 of the members came. Won't tell who's who but the three who came are the president, the vice president and the secretary. HOHOHOHO! Cheers everyone!


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

BruneiYork Reunion and Pre-departure Meeting

Assalamu'alaikum semua!

Apa khabar? (How are you?) The committee is happy to announce that a date has been set for the above event. The meet will take place on 7th September 2014. The restaurant has not been decided yet but no worries! There will be a poll available in our Facebook group where members can vote for the restaurant of their choice. Yehet! Since there are a lot of Freshers are not from Bandar (the capital city), we'll be meeting during lunch so that freshers can go back to their respective districts early.

To freshers, please come, this is your chance to get to know your fellow Bruneians who will be studying in York. And this is one of the perfect time you can ask questions to your seniors although you guys are always welcome to ask by leaving a comment in the blog post or emailing us or if you already know our mobile phone numbers, text us on whatsapp or sending SMS is fine too :)

To seniors who have recently graduated, please come! This may be your last opportunity to spend time with the rest of the members of the society. This can be your last goodbye to us juniors T.T HAHAHAHA!


Sunday, 24 August 2014


Assalamu'alaikum semua!

Sorry for not posting anything for the past few days. Not really sure what else there is to tell...well the important bits about the university, that is. hahaha! But! Alas! I found a picture that may or may not be (T.T) of interest to my dear readers. HOHOHO!

Ta-da! Came across this picture and I immediately remembered the last post.

That is all for now, the blog may be inactive for a bit until there is something I can write or post about here. Ran out of ideas T.T Anyways, until the next time, bye!


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Birds species in University of York

Asaluma'ailakum semua!

To those who don't understand Malay, 'semua' means everyone. :) Might as well promote Malay Language while writing this blog no? HAHAHAHA! As the title of the post suggests, I will be posting some of the best pictures of all the bird species that the secretary took during the 2013/2014 academic year. XD

Although the subjects are very far, I hope readers will get the gist of the photos. This is not considered to be a good photo on the secretary's part XP but just wanna post a picture of all the different bird species that the secretary had taken, so not all pictures will be 'beautiful' XD and no, the committee do not know the name of each individual bird species, we call the birds either, bird, geese or ducks or swans. that's it really XD

Not sure whether this is a different species from the one before because the one in the previous picture were all white whereas the ones in the above photo is sort of mixed.

These are the kind of geese you'll usually see in York. They're resting or probably sleeping in Vanbrugh paradise. Cali usul dorang. That means 'They look so funny' in Brunei slang. (Note that there are minor differences between full on Malay aka Malay standard and Brunei slang)

This is a clearer picture of the typical goose (as I've described it earlier). The same species as the one resting in Vanbrugh Paradise in the previous picture.

Although it's not clear, but it is a different kind of duck. This one is bigger...haha

Two different species of birds in the picture. :)

Look at that duck! HAHAHAHAHAHA! So funny!

And lastly! The black swan! So far, personally, that is, I have seen only two black swans. Very pretty.

That is all for today, I hope you all will look forward to go to York because of these pictures. :)


Monday, 18 August 2014

Hest East

Asalamu'alaikum readers!

I noticed that so far, I have failed to mention that the university is made up of the east and west campus, with the west campus being the main campus and where most of the departments are. The east campus is very modern compared to the west campus. Nice, nice. The previous pictures that I have posted are all in the west campus, so 'the quiet place' is in the west campus! Yehet! Anyway, so for today, I'll be posting pictures of the east campus. Yehet!

Sorry that the picture is not in focus. ^ ^' But what's important here is that it shows the gist of the east campus. isn't it beautiful?! Very modern compared to the west campus.

This is roughly what you'll see if you took the first picture and then turn to the right and take another picture. The pink building is where students live, the hostel, the university accommodation!

This is a picture of the study pod. Students can book one of the three (different sized) pods. It's like a very modern Kampong Ayer! HAHAHAHA! It's really fun to study here. There's a tv inside the pods so you can play some music while you study and if you guys wanna take a break, you can always watch a movie by connecting your laptop to the tv!

Taken from another angle, showing all three pods. :)

This is a picture of Ron Cooke Hub. I think I spelled it correctly....anyways! this is the view you'll get as soon as you get off the bus. If you want to go to the study pod, you need to stop here. This is the second stop in the hest east campus if I'm not mistaken.

Apparently these are the only photos that the secretary have of the east campus, so that is all for today. Sorry I wasn't able to show the rest of the east campus. To be honest, the secretary has never been to the rest of the east campus aside from Gooderick (spelling? HAHAHAHA!). Thanks for reading and hope you'll still find this helpful and informative or at least lessen your curiosity on what the university looks like. :)


Sunday, 17 August 2014

More Pictures!!

As mentioned in the previous post, i shall post more photos! Yehet!

You'll find this somewhere in 'the quiet place'. Apart from summer term, it is as its name suggest; quiet. HAHAHAHA! a beautiful place. i recommend taking a walk there once in a while :D

This was taken  near 'the quiet place' not sure if this part of the university is also called 'the quiet place'. beautiful isn't it? T.T

You can see this on your way to 'the quiet place'. It looks so peaceful :)

This was taken in right in front of wentworth college near wentworth way. If you can see, there is a little road for bicycles. Very nice, right? Inda ja?

For now that's all, although the pictures does not contain any university buildings, and so far the pictures has trees in them, it doesn't mean that our university is in the middle of a (beautiful) forest, it just shows that our quite modern university can mix landscape well with the buildings. Truthfully, the secretary prefers taking photos of trees and animals so we are lacking photos of university buildings, HAHAHAHAHA! But I hope you guys enjoy the pictures! More pictures to be anticipated in the next post. Later!


Saturday, 16 August 2014


Asalamu'alaikum readers!

just wanna share with everyone, a few of the pictures of the university that was taken by the secretary last year.

This was taken near the university, somewhere in front of wentworth. I decided to upload this picture so the new first year students can look forward to see this horse on their way to the university. You'll only see this if you live somewhere near Hull Road though.

This is the market square/information centre. This is where you guys can basically ask for directions or just about anything to do with the university card. The information centre is also where you guys can pick up your lost (and then found) universitiy card (if it doesn't fall into the lake). The finance section is also here, the supermarket is also here. The supermarket sell halal samosas! Yehet to that! The university shop called 'Yourshop' is also there.

This beautiful place is right beside the biology department in wentworth. You'll see this on your way to wentworth college and also if you're on your way to James college. 

This UFO-looking building on the right of the picture is called the central hall, sort of like, the auditorium if you're more familiar with that term. And the building on the left side of the picture is part of Vanbrugh (spelling?) college. You'll find the Vanbrugh common room here, as well as the V Bar. The wide open space that sort of looks like a dock is called the Vanbrugh Paradise. You'll usually see lots of geese sitting around or just standing on one leg while sleeping. I don't recommend getting too close to the geese and ducks. They might peck D:  But if you're lucky, you'll get to hear them hiss at you! Yehet!

Okay, for now, i'll just post those pictures, I'll post some more, I'll probably post pictures of the different species of birds that can be found on campus, again pictures were taken by the secretary. (This blog will probably use pictures taken by the secretary, LOL). Anyway, Insya Allah, tomorrow you'll hear from me again, if not, soon!


Contact Information of committee members

Asalamu'alaikum everyone!

second post since the takeover! XD

as promised, here are the current committee members' names (2014/2015), position in the committee and also their contact information;

President: Hanan (
Vice-president: Matin (
Secretary: Aisyah (
Treasurer: Jason (
Events-manager: Laila (

for now, that's it. below is a picture of the university of York to give sort of like a 'sneak peek' of what the campus looks like. This picture was taken at Derwent college, near a place called 'the quiet place' (seriously, it's called 'the quiet place). Not sure if it'll come out well in the blog, but there is suppose to be a picture...either above or below...HAHAHAHA! (it's my first time trying to upload a picture in the blog, forgive me)


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The Takeover

Assalamu'alaikum readers!

Brunei York has been taken over by fresh new committee members! *a round of applause* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hopefully this blog will be very informative to future students who wish to study in York as well as the current students or students who have graduated, doesn't matter if you're a Bruneian or not, although Bruneians might benefit the most out of this blog. LOL. HAHAHAHA! contact information of the new committee members will be posted (Insya Allah) in the next post, along with their positions.

Alright! cheers to the reborn of this blog! woot! Teruskan usaha! Semangat!