Friday, 17 April 2015

Majlis Junjung Ziarah

Assalamu'alaikum dan selamat pagi kepada semua yang berada di UK :D
(Peace be upon you and good morning to everybody in the UK :D)

So the next event after the special QC session is the majlis junjung ziarah that took place on the 28th December 2014. To readers who don't know what this is, it's basically an event where the Sultan of Brunei (our king) visits the Bruneian citizens who are currently in the UK. Of course a huge majority of the people coming to the event will be students studying in the UK. If you're one of those lucky enough to get a selfie with the Sultan, good for you! T.T

So the BruneianYork girls decided to stick together throughout the whole event. Citizens were asked to come as early as...9 o'clock? or was earlier? can't remember the exact details but basically the Sultan arrived at around 2 o'clock. We were given lunch of course, and Syukur Alhamdulillah, they're delicious (especially the dessert).

Although we waited a long time, we spent our time catching up with Bruneian friends studying in different universities (Brunei is so small, everyone is related to everyone else, not necessarily by blood but social circles as well).

Picture time!

Look at the number of people taking pictures as the royal family walks down the red carpet (not seen in this picture, too short T.T)

Look at the number of people surrounding the Sultan! Lucky people who get to stand beside the Sultan! XD

Lucky girl who got a chance to take a selfie with the Sultan!
After tip-toeing for a long time carrying "heavy" equipment, the girls decided to get away from the crowd and chillax. :)
Even though many photos were taken, most of them appeared blurry due to shaky hands (zoom lenses are heavy and imagine having to hold it high up in the air throughout while tip-toeing T.T). So in the end, we're left with these photos to post only. LOL
Anyway, our elections is taking place tomorrow at Hest East, Study Pod 1. The election starts at 2.30pm and may last a maximum of 1hr 30 mins. But please show up and listen to the speech given by the niminees and of course, don't forget to vote! Hope to see you dear members soon! ^3^
On that note, this post may be my last post. After the elections, if a there is a new post, without my trademark "XOXO", that means someone has taken over the blog. Anyways, it has been fun all this time, :) writing here about all of our BruYork adventures, although sadly the spring term was really hectic for the committee members up to the point that the blog was left as a ghost blog :(  I apologise for that but hope you'll look forward to our new writer!

Friday, 10 April 2015

QC Sleepover

Assalamu'alaikum! :D

Hey! Sorry for the very late post and for being MIA for so long! (4 months! T.T ). We shall continue where we left off. So, after enjoying the end of term event, the girls slept over at Hull Road for a special QC session the next day XD This week is special not only because we had a sleepover, it's also because the QC session lasted till the middle of the night! XD

So the session started off with us watching a movie....a malaysian movie from quite some time ago. Forgot the title ^^' hahahaha! There aren't that many photos during the night as us girls were without our tudung that time. hehe ^-^

The above pictures were taken after watching the movie. The girls were just about to settle down and whatnot. But of course, our beloved RO has something in stored for us before we sleep. The...can't really describe the's not a speech yet it is like a speech...but we'll just stick to speech for now since I don't even know the appropriate word in Malay. lol So the speech was supposed to move us, up to the point of tears. And of course some of us cried, names shall not be disclosed ;) Not really sure if everyone cried. Would love to have interviewed everyone but since the mood was sort of dampened into a time of reflection for us (and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, reflecting upon our mistakes and selfishness part of your journey in becoming a better person :)) .

We slept at 12.30am. We woke up at 6.15am in the morning for sembahyang tahajjud, and of course Subuh as well. Although the initial plan was for us to go back to sleep considering we're supposed to be tired. But of course with the excitement of a sleepover, who gets tired of lack of sleep?! So everyone helped to make breakfast. Breakfast was like a feast! Mwahahahahahahahaha!

These are the delicious food we ate! Yum!

A close up of the pancakes that were made...or is baked the appropriate word for pancakes?

Nora delicately placing the small pancake on top of the tower of pancakes. Yum!

Nisa washing the dishes :)

Pancake station :D

Lots of people gathering around the pancake station. Quite popular

Hanan and curry!!!

Pancakes before being flipped

Slightly burnt-looking pancakes after being flipped. LOL

Alas! the final form of the mountain of pancakes!

But if you look at it from this view....LOL

Voila! And then we feast!
So I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves that day, t'was fun t'was fun. And sorry for the very late post! But guess it's better than leaving this blog becoming a ghost blog....if there is such a word. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Can't promise when the next post will be, since election is upon us and another person might take over this blog and if that happens, the rest of the 2014/2015 events will no longer be posted....well at least it's highly likely. Bah, nanti lagi (until next time), Insya Allah