Saturday, 18 October 2014

SEA Event

Assalamu'alaikum semua!

Syukur Alhamdulillah, photos coming your way dear readers. HOHOHOHOHOHO! Unfortunately, contrary to the previous post, this will be a short post :(  So! Starting the post with pictures where I left off.

So this is group 4 (which if you recall, is a combination of members from groups 4 and 5). They're the winners for tonight's games, beating group 2 during the last quiz round making it a close win by one point difference! Too bad group 2, it must have been tough on you :(  But congratulations group 4! (You lucky bunch). Hope you guys enjoyed the biscuits (which is their prize, yum!).

Here's a picture of all the Bruneians who came. Yay to you guys for making it to the event. XD This is the only good picture I have of all the Bruneians so please bear with the ceiling in the picture. XD

Well, that's actually it though....I feel like I've been trolled now because the so called continuation of the SEA Event post has only two pictures, making it a short post. Hope I didn't get your hopes up during the last post, or that'll mean disappointment for some of you guys. XD Anyways, that's all for now. Insya Allah, the next event posted in the blog will be the Ma'al Hijrah celebration which will take place on 24th October 2014 this coming Friday (week 4 of Autumn Term). Bah, nanti lagi. (well, until next time)


Southeast Asian Event

Assalamu'alaikum semua!

Mudahan semua sehat-sehat  ^_^ (Hope everyone is well/doing fine). It's been a long time since I've posted any Malay words in here. Gotta keep spreading awareness of our language's existence XD

Yesterday was the Southeast Asian Event. As mentioned in the last post (I hope), this event is a joint event by the existing ASEAN societies in York. Currently there are 6 ASEAN societies; Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Sadly this year we had a quota of 15 people per society. Next year hopefully there will be an increase in the quota, or if possible, no quota at all?

So the event started out with everyone going to their respective groups (groups 1-5). There was an icebreaking game where people introduce themselves, adding an adjective in front of their name. The adjective has to start with the same letter as player's name. And the next member has to repeat the first player's name (or anybody that precedes them) and then introduce themselves. Of course the last player would have to remember everyone else's names and chosen adjectives. Kesian!!!

Next came quiz round :D with questions about each country. Of course not missing a Brunei question on Ambuyat XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 'Twas fun, 'twas fun :)  Halfway into the game, was 'Alphabet Soup' where players had to spell the given word. Each player that contributed to spelling the word were awarded 1 point. After that, the quiz proceeds and again, another break in between to play another game. A game of chinese whispers :D. Then the quiz proceed and ended soon after. With group 4 winning the overall game. Group 4 was a merge of group 4 and 5, most probably because there weren't that many people in each group.

Soon after, the pizza arrives and everyone had late dinner. The rest of the night continued with members just talking and mingling with each other. Das be nais, das be nais.

So here are the pictures of the SEA event

Vice president and treasurer of Brunei Society in black with the treasurer of Vietnam Society. By the way, I think this is the first picture of the treasurer posted in this blog. Congrats Jason for making it into the blog! You finally agree to take a picture! XD

Indonesian Society and one Thai woman :)

Thai ladies :)

Vietnamese :)

Treasurer of Indonesian Society and treasurer (?) of Thai Society

Brunei's first year students :)

This event's host; Singapore Society's president :)

Group 4 (which consists of group 4 & 5)

Group 3

Group 2

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I think I've reached the limit for posting photos. I can't upload any more photos in this blog post but fear not! I shall post the rest in the next post :) Please look forward to the next post. 'Twas a fun night it be. Yes, 'twas nais. Well, until next time :)


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Hari Raya Haji Celebration & Freshers' Welcoming Event

Assalaamu'alaikum everyone!

First of all, so sorry that I haven't published the Hari Raya Haji Celebration and Freshers' Welcoming Event in this blog. Totally forgot that the other day, when I was working on this post, I didn't post it and it was only a draft. LOL apologies. Really am rushing to post the news about this event before the upcoming SouthEast Asian (SEA) Event happening this Thursday, 16th October 2014. Woot woot! And hopefully as I work on the post for that event, I will remember to finish the draft version and have it published XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

So a lot of people came to this event. The first event of the academic year! woot woot! Thanks everyone for the support! Really appreciate your presence. Thankfully almost everyone brought home the leftover food so no food was wasted during this event. Next time, we'll know that 4 boxes  of pizza is probably enough when other people brought food with them (since it was a potluck event). We do apologise that the game was not well prepared and organised, but next time, we assure you that we'll have it well planned. :) Insya Allah we will learn from our mistake.

The event started off with Maghrib prayer led by our vice president Matin! and then takbir by all of us with the 'solo' bits done by the three boys as seen in the picture. In the picture, it's Matin turn to read the 'solo' bits.

And these are pictures of some of the lovely ladies who participated in the takbir :)

After takbir, we had dinner. It was sort of a collection + potluck event so we had people making dishes while the rest pooled money for pizza :)  Here is a picture of the queue just outside the kitchen door.

We also played a game of charades, which has sort of become a tradition on freshers' welcoming event. Because of this, freshers' welcoming event is also known as 'Game Night'. We do apologise that the game was not very organised but Insya Allah, the committee members are learning from our mistakes and will plan better so everyone will enjoy future events :) Sadly no photos of us playing charades (more like the secretary acting out all the actions. HAHAHAHAHAHA!) But here's a picture of everyone who came to the event :)

Please look forward to our upcoming joint event with the rest of the SEA societies this Thursday. And Insya Allah, this blog will be updated with the summary, if not most of what happened during the event, on this blog as soon as possible. :)


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Freshers' Fair

Assalamu'alaikum everyone!

Sorry for being MIA even after the events. Lectures have started so committee members are busy but alas! I have set time to post in this blog. HOHOHOHO!

First of all, the committee would like to thank everyone for signing up to our beloved humble society. We believe that every member counts. We really appreciate you guys :) *hugs*

So during the Freshers' Fair a lot of people were looking for the prez (go prez!) so I'm guessing that I should have posted what time each committee member's shifts are. Note for next time. Hahahahaha! But fear not, Insya Allah the committee will learn from our mistake to better ourselves.

So here is a picture of our booth during the Freshers' Fair. It's very small but then again it's not like we need a bigger table. For our small humble society, a table this size is enough :) Look at the picture of Sultan on the table. Credits to the psychology first year students who made that. Well done for being patriotic guys! Much love