Today's post is about our most recent BruYork event, which falls on the last day of the term; our Brunei Social Night! Woot! For a small and humble society, it is a bit funny for us to do a social night in Yourspace. HAHAHAHAHA! But at least some of the furniture there helped with the games. HOHO!
So the social night started out with eating dinner brought by our lovely members (thanks guys! *kissus kissus*). Everyone was hungry and since a lot of people were running late, we decided to eat before playing the intro game.
Brunei Social Night just so happened to take place on our treasurer's birthday. So their housemates decided to surprise him with cake for the second time that day. HAHAHAHAHA! Happy Birthday Jason, hope you enjoyed the event as well :)
After that, we carried on as scheduled. The first game was designed by the committee members specifically so that the rest of the members can get to know each other better. So the game was a round of pass the bomb quiz. The piece of newspaper was passed around in circles and if the music stops, the person holding the newspaper must answer the question or do the task in the newspaper wrap. Twas really fun.
The relaxed face of someone who's out of the (slightly) nerve-wrecking game. HAHAHAHAHA!
Nora freaking out every time she receives the bomb. Lol
Nora freaking out every time she receives the bomb. Lol
The first game ended with the last woman standing being Shereen! Although she too had to answer a question, so not much of a victory but then again the whole point of the game was so that evryone can get to know each other better, so everyone must answer a question :D So the second game is a classic game of musical chairs. It must've been quite a while since any one of us have played that game. LOL. Hopefully this will bring out the nostalgic feeling of attending birthday parties when we were kids. HAHAHAHA!
Nora and Raihan being paranoid. HAHAHAHA!
The first struggle for chairs!
And Hanan was eliminated during the first round after battling for the seat with Nora. lol
After a few rounds, the birthday boy was eliminated as well. I love how everyone in this picture points to Jason. XD
So our MC's laptop was running out of battery so we used Hanan's phone to play the musci for musical chair and because we don't have a speaker, we had to make a makeshift speaker by placing the phone inside the plastic cup. To ensure that everyone can hear the music, she was placed in the middle of the chairs. HAHAHAHAHA!
We're down to top three, where Nora and Matin battle it out for the chair. Nora survived though
And, as with the many battles Nora have fought so far as shown in many pictures above, she was crowned as the winner. Congrats Nora!
The third game is a fun game of smarties chopsticks relay race! The most anticipated game among the committee members. Lol. As the name suggests, it's a relay race where players need to move a smartie (is that the right singular version for smarties? HAHAHAHA!) to the next plate, for the next player to move. The smartie will be passed until it reaches its destination (goal). After the smartie is in the goalie, the starter can move another smartie from the bank of smarties and proceed towards thee goalie. At the end of the...was it 5 minutes or was it 10 minutes...the team with the most number of smarties in their goalie wins!
The smarties bank
The two teams. Lol Matin and Jason
Syafi, having a hard time using chopsticks use both hands to hold them
Now Jason's team is in the lead while Syafi struggles with the task
Finally, Syafi was able to move the smartie :D
In the end, Matin's team was able to catch up with Jason's team and managed to win by a difference of 1...I think...HAHAHAHA! But Matin's team for sure won. Lol. It wasn't until having to write up this post that it occurred to me that we forgot to take a group photo like we normally do! At least everyone's faces are in posts, well except for the photographer of course =.= Lol. So that was how we spent our last night of the autumn term. The committee hope that everyone had a great time even though they were just simple games. ^_^